In: Dedications

Hondo Periatt

Hondo, German Shepherd, born in Germany on April 20, 2007.  He came to the United States and joined the St. Clair...


Our 6-year-old Golden Retriever boy who passed away only 2 weeks after showing symptoms of his canine cancer. He was the...


Our grand-kitty, who kept Sparky on his toes and all of us amused. He guarded the hallway well and reigned over...

Russert Ash

Russert was the sweetest, most loving creature who we lost to Hemangiosarcoma before he turned 9.  Russ’ favorite pastimes were hiking...

Sophie Lynch

We are so lucky to have had Sophie in our family for six years.  She brought us nothing but joy &...

Whiskey Zajac

Our boy, Whiskey and his littermate Huckleberry, were adopted by us from a rescue. They are about 11 years old. Whiskey...

Bonnie Mae Hilley

Bonnie Mae was my sweet little girl, my love, my best friend. She was the joy of my life, I will...

Max Bucciero

Max was a beautiful, gentle-natured, buff Cocker Spaniel who succumbed to anal gland cancer in October 2015.  He was 10 years...


Gandhi was Susan Martinez’s and Greg Aldering’s beloved dog who died in March 2017.  He definitely was the perfect dog for...