In: Dedications


In memory of Bailey, who for five years allowed me to see England through the eyes of a Golden Retriever. –...

Lil Abby

Our Lil Abby, our faithful friend and loyal companion. We are forever thankful to you.  You’ve brought us love, friendship, happiness, joy,...

Pete Moss

Meet Pete, aka Sweet Pete, Peteasaur, sometimes Pete the Cat. He will be remembered as the super-long-tailed ninja he was, with...


Dedicated to our beloved Susie. She will forever live in our hearts. Love, Robin & Dave


Mackey was a surfer, a big brother, a friend and soulmate. He personified doG, and love. We renew the fight against...

Suetra & Karma

In memory of Suetra & Karma from Max


Fi was the epitome of all things good. He was kind and had enough love for everyone he met. He was...

Raleigh Villafana

My Raleigh was handsome, smart, loving and just fun. He was my best friend and a great listener who gave hugs....

Tyson Jobe

Until one has loved an animal, a part of one’s soul remains unawakened. They enter our lives and touch our hearts...