By: Barbara Cohen

Bartonella Bacteria Found in Hemangiosarcoma Tumors from Dogs

Researchers find more evidence of a possible connection between persistent bacterial infection and blood vessel cancer in dogs.

A Cancer Drug Trial For Dogs Presented At The RSNA Annual Meeting

What do you do when your best friend is diagnosed with a cancer that kills most of its patients within a few months? A few brave dog owners turned to Johns Hopkins, where veterinarians, radiologists and physicists have teamed up to conduct an experimental trial of a therapy they hope will extend...

Are You Killing Your Dog with Kindness?

Our dogs rely on us to keep them happy and healthy. In return, dogs provide us with love and companionship.  All too often though, we are damaging our dog’s health without even realizing it. We tend to love our dogs in the wrong way. We cave into those puppy dog eyes, we want to cuddle...

Zoe Youdath

Zoe was a pure, joyful, loving spirit who brought us much happiness and left us much too soon.  After successfully battling...

Bowdi & Sophie Talbert

Although the house may feel empty, our hearts are filled with loving memories of two very good dogs, Bowdi and Sophie. ...

Claude Ross

Claude was my best friend, a true “mommy’s boy.”   He was the most loyal and loving dog and we will always...

Blue Karwel

In memory of our little girl Blue on her 15th birthday.  She is the one and only love of our life...

Canine Melanoma

Canine melanoma is the umbrella term for a group of melanocytic tumor subtypes that are so complex and diverse (yet distinct from each other) that they can sometimes seem as if they are different diseases entirely.

Darla Winicur

We so loved and appreciated Darla and all that she brought to our campus.  She will be dearly missed and remembered....