By: Wendy Lee

An Update from Our Interns, Coby & Jerry

We are five weeks into our internship, and we are so overwhelmed by all your support. We were nervous; not only...

Comparative Oncology in the News

We share this link to an important scientific article by Amy M. Boddy, Tara M. Harrison, and Lisa M. Abegglen that...

Maine Event Rocks the Park to Benefit ACF

Over 3,000 Mainers and their furry friends came together for the 10th Annual Pet Rock in the Park hosted by Portland...


You are a part of our story, our family and will forever be in our hearts.  We love you Coop!

Jordin and Lincoln

Jordin Marie – “We see her spirit in flitting butterflies.” Lincoln Bill Miller, 2007-2021:  “The face of a golden retriever feels...

ACF Hires First-Ever Canine Interns

Animal Cancer Foundation announced today the hiring of their first ever canine event interns.  Coby and Jerry are part of a pilot...

Lipomas in Dogs: What You Need to Know

Lipomas are a fairly common benign fatty tumor seen in many senior dogs. Find out how to identify a lipoma, what...


Rascal is a pure delight, and has given me so much happiness. He’s 10 lbs. of pure love that loves to...

How to Identify, Treat & Prevent Skin Cancer in Dogs

You notice a skin lesion on your dog. Could it be skin cancer? Learn why skin cancer in dogs might occur,...