By: Wendy Lee


Gracie, forever in our hearts – Gary, Fran & James


In loving memory of our angel, Tommy. He was a loyal companion who had an independent, yet nurturing personality and the...

ACF Mourns the Passing of Founding Board Member

Animal Cancer Foundation Mourns the Passing of Founding Board Member, John R. Considine Animal Cancer Foundation is saddened to announce the...


In memory of our fluffy baby, Max.  We miss you every day.  You were the light in all our lives and...


To a loving pet! In Rocky’s Honor from a Friend


In memory of our Beloved Shayna Savic who will always be in our hearts.


This is dedicated to our beloved Miko. Who gave us 12 wonderful years before he left us in February 2020. Miko...

Decker Sarris

In loving memory of a one-of-a-kind pup. Thank you for loving us. Loving you always Decker, Mom & Dad

Pepper & Milo

We love these pups more than we could have ever imagined. A cancer diagnosis for one of them was heartbreaking but...