By: Wendy Lee

Nola and Laynie

Nola (8/16/10-9/22/22) and Laynie (9/8/10- 2/22/22) both passed from different forms of cancer last year. Nola was our Muffin from the...

How Dogs’ Tumors Can Aid Breast Cancer Research

How Understanding Canine Mammary Tumors Could Help Scientists Studying Human Breast Cancer Ask an experienced dog parent and they are likely...

Welcome Central Bark

Animal Cancer Foundation (ACF) is pleased to announce that Central Bark locations nationwide will participate in a first annual “Unleash the...


In loving memory of Cece (04/12/13-06/08/23).  You are my pretty girl, my sunshine, my brave one.  You are sorely missed by...


Simba my sparkle-ball chaser, bug catcher, lap dweller, people lover, healer. Patient, sweet, well-mannered boy. I will think of you always....

Best Dressed Airedales

We are the Best Dressed Airedales and have suffered the loss of our dogs to cancer including Sadie, Missi. Riley and...

We Wish We Knew Exactly What Causes Cancer

Spoiler Alert:  We Don’t Cancer is a complex set of diseases with risk factors that sometimes intersect. Some known causes of...

Exercise and Cancer Patients

Can What Human Oncologists Recommend Be Applied To Pets With Cancer? Much has been published about the positive effects of physical...

Protecting Your Pet’s Skin

According to Barbara Cohen, Executive Director of Animal Cancer Foundation, our pets aren’t immune to skin cancer risk either.  Melanoma, squamous...