In: Resource

Your Pets and The Sun: A Users Guide to Good Health

Summer is a wonderful time to get outdoors with your pet to enjoy a variety of healthy activities. Whether or not...

We Wish We Knew Exactly What Causes Cancer

Spoiler Alert:  We Don’t Cancer is a complex set of diseases with risk factors that sometimes intersect. Some known causes of...

Exercise and Cancer Patients

Can What Human Oncologists Recommend Be Applied To Pets With Cancer? Much has been published about the positive effects of physical...

Protecting Your Pet’s Skin

According to Barbara Cohen, Executive Director of Animal Cancer Foundation, our pets aren’t immune to skin cancer risk either.  Melanoma, squamous...

Pet Parent Worry #6

“I cannot afford treatment, much less specialty veterinary care.” Access to veterinary medical care is being discussed by professional staff throughout...

Pet Parent Worry #5

Pet Chemotherapy and My Household Many pet parents are concerned that the chemotherapeutic or immunotherapeutic drugs can affect others in their...

Pet Parent Worry #4

Why does my general practice veterinarian refer me to a surgical, medical oncology or radiation oncology specialist to treat my pet’s...

Cannabis For Pets With Cancer

What Pet Parents Should Know About Using Cannabis for Their Pet With Cancer When a beloved pet is diagnosed with cancer,...

Pet Parent Worry #3

Groups on social media appear to know and share so much information about pet cancer.  How do I know what’s safe...