Resources for Pets with Cancer
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Your Pets and The Sun: A Users Guide to Good Health
Summer is a wonderful time to get outdoors with your pet to enjoy a variety of healthy activities. Whether or not…
We Wish We Knew Exactly What Causes Cancer
Spoiler Alert: We Don’t Cancer is a complex set of diseases with risk factors that sometimes intersect. Some known causes of…
Exercise and Cancer Patients
Can What Human Oncologists Recommend Be Applied To Pets With Cancer? Much has been published about the positive effects of physical…
Protecting Your Pet’s Skin
According to Barbara Cohen, Executive Director of Animal Cancer Foundation, our pets aren’t immune to skin cancer risk either. Melanoma, squamous…
Pet Parent Worry #6
“I cannot afford treatment, much less specialty veterinary care.” Access to veterinary medical care is being discussed by professional staff throughout…
Pet Parent Worry #5
Pet Chemotherapy and My Household Many pet parents are concerned that the chemotherapeutic or immunotherapeutic drugs can affect others in their…
Pet Parent Worry #4
Why does my general practice veterinarian refer me to a surgical, medical oncology or radiation oncology specialist to treat my pet’s…
Cannabis For Pets With Cancer
What Pet Parents Should Know About Using Cannabis for Their Pet With Cancer When a beloved pet is diagnosed with cancer,…
Pet Parent Worry #3
Groups on social media appear to know and share so much information about pet cancer. How do I know what’s safe…
Pet Parent Worry #2
Will My Pet With Cancer Be In Pain? “How Do I Know If My Dog Is in Pain with Cancers?” First,…
Pet Parent Worry #1
Hair Today, Gone Tomorrow Many pet parents are concerned that a pet’s hair (fur) will fall out during chemotherapy treatment for…
Things to Know About a Pet Cancer Diagnosis
What Your Vet Wants You to Know About a Diagnosis of Cancer in Your Pet A diagnosis of cancer in our…
Breeds at Risk for Cancer
Mast Cell Tumors (MCTs) | What are They? Mast cell tumors are typically raised, red skin nodules, although they can also be…
Coping With the Loss of a Pet
We Don’t Talk (Enough) About Pet Grief & Loss So many in our community reach out to us at ACF about…
Navigating a New Diagnosis of Cancer
ACF’s mission is to help inform the general public of the significant impact comparative oncology has on development of cancer knowledge…
Lipomas in Dogs: What You Need to Know
Lipomas are a fairly common benign fatty tumor seen in many senior dogs. Find out how to identify a lipoma, what…
How to Identify, Treat & Prevent Skin Cancer in Dogs
You notice a skin lesion on your dog. Could it be skin cancer? Learn why skin cancer in dogs might occur,…
Things We Wish We Knew When Our Pets Were Diagnosed with Cancer
Remember, your pet is an individual not a cancer diagnosis. When attending your first consult with a veterinary oncologist, ask a…
Multiple Myeloma in Dogs
This form of cancer has no cure, but learn how to treat it early for a much better outcome.
How Come the Weight-Loss Food Has More Calories than My Dogs Regular Food?
You switch your overweight dog from her usual food to one whose label suggests the kibble will help her slim down, yet she doesnt lose an ounce. Maybe she even gains weight on this new food. How can that be? Its because calorie levels for weight management foods for dogs are all over the place,…
The 5 Biggest Questions You Must Ask About Pet Obesity
This is an incredibly important issue because pets with obesity are at increased risk for developing serious weight related disorders such as diabetes , arthritis , high blood pressure , kidney disease , cancer, and more. We must do better
Pet Hydration Month | PetSafe® Articles
Does your pet have a drinking problem? Your pet is at risk of dehydration during extreme heat. Get the facts during National Hydration Month.
8 things you can do to protect your dog in the summer
Here are eight things you can do to keep your dog safe in the heat.
Warning Signs of Dehydration in Dogs
Wondering if your dog is dehydrated? Here are the signs to look for and the actions to take if your dog is suffering.
Managing Mask Phobia in Dogs
COVID-19 has brought about revolutionary changes in human interactions. We have been adapting to these changes at lightning speed, but what…
Pet Parent Questions About COVID-19
Here are answers to some of your questions about COVID-19 and your pets. https://www.avma.org/sites/default/files/2020-03/covid-19-faq-pet-owners.pdf Sourced through Scoop.it from: www.avma.org
Emergency Planning & Your Pets for COVID-19
The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) says there is no evidence that dogs and cats can spread the virus that causes COVID-19. But the CDC does recommend that people with symptoms restrict contact with their pets just like they do with people. Specific guidance for infected individuals can be found on the…
Pet First Aid | Basic Procedures
Quick Links Poisoning and Exposure to Toxins · Seizures · Fractures · Bleeding (external) Bleeding (internal) · Burns · Choking · Heatstroke Shock · Pet is
Basic Tips for Handling an Injured Pet
If your pet is injured, it could be in pain and is also most likely scared and confused. You need to be careful to avoid getting hurt, bitten or
Pet First Aid Supplies Checklist
As a pet owner, you need to make sure to have basic first aid supplies for your pets in your household.
Multiple Myeloma in Dogs
This form of cancer has no cure, but learn how to treat it early for a much better outcome.
Effective vs. Harmful Diet Changes
Many pet owners change their pet’s diet after a diagnosis of cancer. But which changes are likely to be effective vs….
Custom Rx for Your Pet With Cancer
My veterinary oncologist wrote a compounding pharmacy prescription for my pet. Why? In many circumstances, cancer therapeutics are not specifically manufactured…
Cancer & Your Pet: What You Should Know
Pet Parents who welcome new puppies and kittens into their families likely aren’t thinking that their precious new addition could someday…
Is There a Clinical Trial for My Pet?
At Animal Cancer Foundation, we are asked many questions regarding the best resources for pets and pet parents facing a cancer…
Nutrition & Cancer: Do’s and Don’ts
In case you were wondering what a typical day in the life of a Veterinary Nutrition Specialists is like, my working…
Feeding a Dog That Has Cancer
Dogs with cancer have special nutritional needs. In human patients with cancer, it has been shown that malnutrition can increase the…
10 Warning Signs of Cancer
Pets have become members of our families and we want to insure that they live the longest and best lives they…