In: Comparative Oncology News

Mining Similarities in Osteosarcoma Between Children and Dogs

Biologically, the osteosarcoma that dogs develop is remarkably similar to that in children. In new research, dogs are aiding the fight against bone cancer.

Study of Cancer in Dogs May Accelerate Treatment for Humans

Comparative oncology — the study of naturally developing cancers in animals as models for human disease — has been practiced for decades. However, conducting clinical trials on the spontaneous cancers of people’s pet dogs is a relatively new concept. The effort has gained traction with a concerted effort on the part of academic centers and...

Learning From Dogs With Cancer

Research in dogs will help with the design of later human trials, including the best way to administer drugs, and may lead to improved treatments for both pets and people.

Far-Reaching Benefits from Canine Cancer Research

A study mapping genes associated with two cancers common in golden retrievers could lead to better prevention and treatment of the disease in dogs as well as similar cancers in people.

Good News for Dogs with Cancer

New therapies for beloved pets are getting developed in hopes of treating humans as well. Read more… Sourced through

Nature-Inspired Therapy Holds Promise for COVID-19 & Cancer Treatment

Answering the COVID-19 Challenge:  Nature-Inspired Therapy Holds Promise for Cancer Treatment as Well In these unprecedented times of COVID-19, many of...

Emerging Translational Opportunities in Comparative Oncology with Companion Canine Cancers | Oncology

engineering, chemistry, biophysics and mathematics with the traditional disciplines of biochemistry, cell biology, immunology and genetics have created new opportunities to better define functional aberrations in the cancer process and explore novel concepts for prevention and management.

New Precision Medicine Procedure Fights Cancer, Advances Treatment for Pets and Humans

In a first-of-its-kind study, scientists at the University of Missouri have helped advance a patient-specific, precision medicine treatment for bone cancer in dogs. By creating a vaccine from a dog’s own tumor, scientists worked with ELIAS Animal Health to target specific cancer cells and avoid the toxic side effects of chemotherapy, while also opening the...