ACF Funded Research Update
- April 15, 2022
- Wendy Lee
- Comparative Oncology NewsResearch
Research Update from Dr. Cheryl London, The Cheryl London Lab, Tufts University | Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences The Role of STAT3...

First In-Human Clinical Trial on the Horizon
- April 15, 2022
- Wendy Lee
- Comparative Oncology NewsResearch
PEEL Therapeutics Continues Rapid Development of Medicines that Merge Nature and Technology PEEL Therapeutics, Inc., an emerging biotech company based both...

ACF Grant 2019: Hope for Children and Dogs with Bone Cancer
- August 23, 2019
- Barbara Cohen
- Comparative Oncology NewsGrant WinnersImpactResearch
Upon a competitive selection process and the recommendation of the ACF Scientific Advisory Council, ACF has awarded a 2019 Comparative Oncology...

ACF Grant 2016: Studying Driver Mutations
- May 2, 2019
- Barbara Cohen
- Grant WinnersResearch
“The grant will enable us to leverage the power of genomics technologies and comparative oncology to develop predictive models of how...

Osteosarcoma | What’s on the Horizon?
- October 18, 2018
- Barbara Cohen
- NewsResearch
Christine Mullin, VMD, DACVIM (Oncology)• Craig A. Clifford, DVM, MS, DACVIM (Oncology)• Julius M. Liptak, BVSc, MVetClinStud, FACVSc, DACVS-SA, DECVS, ACVS...

ACF Grant 2016 : The Hope of CAR-T Therapy (Update)
- April 27, 2018
- Barbara Cohen
- Comparative Oncology NewsGrant WinnersNewsResearch
Recently, a new treatment for human B cell cancers called CAR-T (Chimeric Antigen Receptor T cell) therapy has made headlines around...

ACF Grant 2018: Canine Osteosarcoma & Tumor Microenvironment
- January 14, 2018
- Barbara Cohen
- Comparative Oncology NewsGrant WinnersImpactResearch
“Cancer cells thrive in many types of microenvironments. Our work seeks to understand some of the genetic expression in these microenvironments,...

ACF Grant 2017: Pioneering Cancer Research
- November 5, 2017
- Barbara Cohen
- Comparative Oncology NewsGrant WinnersImpactNewsResearch
“We are very excited to receive this award to test elephant P53 (EP53) in growing cancer cells that come from pet...

$1M Gift Could Answer The Research Gap
- October 18, 2017
- Barbara Cohen
- Comparative Oncology NewsImpactNewsPress ReleaseResearch
Funds Donated by The Blue Buffalo Foundation Will Help Map the Most Common Canine Cancer Genomes and Place Genomic Data in...