Are You Killing Your Dog with Kindness?
- January 6, 2020
- Barbara Cohen
- Exercise TipsNewsNutrition Tips
Our dogs rely on us to keep them happy and healthy. In return, dogs provide us with love and companionship. All too often though, we are damaging our dog’s health without even realizing it. We tend to love our dogs in the wrong way. We cave into those puppy dog eyes, we want to cuddle...

Effective vs. Harmful Diet Changes
- April 22, 2019
- Wendy Lee
- Nutrition TipsResource
Many pet owners change their pet’s diet after a diagnosis of cancer. But which changes are likely to be effective vs....

Nutrition & Cancer: Do’s and Don’ts
- July 27, 2015
- Barbara Cohen
- NewsNutrition TipsResearchResource
In case you were wondering what a typical day in the life of a Veterinary Nutrition Specialists is like, my working...

Feeding a Dog That Has Cancer
- May 4, 2015
- Barbara Cohen
- NewsNutrition TipsResource
Dogs with cancer have special nutritional needs. In human patients with cancer, it has been shown that malnutrition can increase the...