Comparative Oncology News

Update 2016 Grant Award: Canine CAR-T Therapy

In 2016, Animal Cancer Foundation’s belief in the promise of chimeric antigen receptor (CAR)-T therapy for people and pets with cancer,…

Canine Cancer Genome Project Enters Phase II -Omics

Canine Cancer Genome Project Enters Phase II -Omics Focuses genomic and proteomic lenses on three canine cancers DATELINE — A team of…

Bladder Cancer Early Detection and Intervention Research

Identification of a naturally-occurring canine model for early detection and intervention research in high grade urothelial carcinoma Bladder cancer is more…

How Dogs’ Tumors Can Aid Breast Cancer Research

How Understanding Canine Mammary Tumors Could Help Scientists Studying Human Breast Cancer Ask an experienced dog parent and they are likely…

Evolutionary Advantage of Cancer Resistance in Elephants

Can Researchers Harness the Evolutionary Advantage of Cancer Resistance in Elephants? In 2017, Joshua Schiffman, MD, a pediatric oncologist and researcher…

Cancer Treatments for Dogs Could Also Lead to Breakthroughs for Humans | 60 Minutes

An exciting piece from Anderson Cooper of CBS News’s 60 Minutes highlighting comparative oncology.  Of course, ACF has known all along that…

ACF Funded Research Update

Research Update from Dr. Cheryl London, The Cheryl London Lab, Tufts University | Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences The Role of STAT3…

First In-Human Clinical Trial on the Horizon

PEEL Therapeutics Continues Rapid Development of Medicines that Merge Nature and Technology PEEL Therapeutics, Inc., an emerging biotech company based both…

Largest Pan-Cancer Comparative Genome Study

Animal Cancer Foundation (ACF) is proud to announce awarding a grant of $1.2 million to The Translational Genomics Research Institute (TGen),…

Canine Lymphoma & the Drug Development Pipeline

Canine lymphoma is one of the most common cancers in dogs affecting approximately 70,000 dogs in the United States each year….

Comparative Oncology in the News

We share this link to an important scientific article by Amy M. Boddy, Tara M. Harrison, and Lisa M. Abegglen that…

How Pediatric and Canine Cancer Similarities Can Help Both Children and Pets

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Mining Similarities in Osteosarcoma Between Children and Dogs

Biologically, the osteosarcoma that dogs develop is remarkably similar to that in children. In new research, dogs are aiding the fight against bone cancer.

Study of Cancer in Dogs May Accelerate Treatment for Humans

Comparative oncology — the study of naturally developing cancers in animals as models for human disease — has been practiced for decades. However, conducting clinical trials on the spontaneous cancers of people’s pet dogs is a relatively new concept. The effort has gained traction with a concerted effort on the part of academic centers and…

Learning From Dogs With Cancer

Research in dogs will help with the design of later human trials, including the best way to administer drugs, and may lead to improved treatments for both pets and people.

Far-Reaching Benefits from Canine Cancer Research

A study mapping genes associated with two cancers common in golden retrievers could lead to better prevention and treatment of the disease in dogs as well as similar cancers in people.

Good News for Dogs with Cancer

New therapies for beloved pets are getting developed in hopes of treating humans as well. Read more… Sourced through…

Nature-Inspired Therapy Holds Promise for COVID-19 & Cancer Treatment

Answering the COVID-19 Challenge:  Nature-Inspired Therapy Holds Promise for Cancer Treatment as Well In these unprecedented times of COVID-19, many of…

Emerging Translational Opportunities in Comparative Oncology with Companion Canine Cancers | Oncology

engineering, chemistry, biophysics and mathematics with the traditional disciplines of biochemistry, cell biology, immunology and genetics have created new opportunities to better define functional aberrations in the cancer process and explore novel concepts for prevention and management.

New Precision Medicine Procedure Fights Cancer, Advances Treatment for Pets and Humans

In a first-of-its-kind study, scientists at the University of Missouri have helped advance a patient-specific, precision medicine treatment for bone cancer in dogs. By creating a vaccine from a dog’s own tumor, scientists worked with ELIAS Animal Health to target specific cancer cells and avoid the toxic side effects of chemotherapy, while also opening the…

These Dogs are Getting a Cancer Vaccine. If it Works, Humans Could be Next

These Dogs are Getting a Cancer Vaccine. If it Works, Humans Could be Next Sourced through: (CNN) – If you…

Why Dogs Now Play a Big Role in Human Cancer Research | WIRED

There’s a strong chance your aging dog will get cancer—but your pupper could also help humans survive it.

Working Toward a Cure for Bone Cancer in Dogs & Children

Drawing on groundbreaking immunotherapy techniques pioneered at Penn, the Vet School’s Nicola Mason is working toward a cure for bone cancer in dogs and children and to spark broader advances in the field of comparative medicine. By Kathryn Levy Feldman | Photography by Candace diCarlo As the owner of four Saint Bernards, Kelly Buss knew…

ACF Grant 2019: Hope for Children and Dogs with Bone Cancer

Upon a competitive selection process and the recommendation of the ACF Scientific Advisory Council, ACF has awarded a 2019 Comparative Oncology…

OSU Veterinary Medical Center Opens Oncology Suite

Fueled by $650,000 grant from Blue Buffalo, this expansion enables holistic treatment for pets with cancer and advancements in human health The Integrated Oncology Service at Ohio State’s Veterinary Medical Center is comprised of a team of cancer doctors with specialties in medical, surgical and radiation oncology, working together with clients and their family veterinarian,…

Clinical Trial Begins to Test Universal Vaccine Against Canine Cancer

On Thursday, May 2, the very first dog received the very first vaccine intended to protect her from cancer.And soon after the 9-year-old Gordon setter…

Canine Bone Cancer Vaccine Hints at a Human Version

An immunotherapy based on autologous canine osteosarcoma cells resulted in remission for more than 400 days after surgery, compared with 270 days for dogs in a different study treated with chemotherapy, researchers reported at the Veterinary Cancer Society Annual Conference.

ACF Grant 2016 : The Hope of CAR-T Therapy (Update)

Recently, a new treatment for human B cell cancers called CAR-T (Chimeric Antigen Receptor T cell) therapy has made headlines around…

ACF Grant 2018: Canine Osteosarcoma & Tumor Microenvironment

“Cancer cells thrive in many types of microenvironments. Our work seeks to understand some of the genetic expression in these microenvironments,…

ACF Grant 2017: Pioneering Cancer Research

“We are very excited to receive this award to test elephant P53 (EP53) in growing cancer cells that come from pet…

$1M Gift Could Answer The Research Gap

Funds Donated by The Blue Buffalo Foundation Will Help Map the Most Common Canine Cancer Genomes and Place Genomic Data in…

Animal Cancer Foundation Announces $1 Million Gift to Inaugurate Canine Cancer Genome Project

“We are proud to support Animal Cancer Foundation in their important work helping to find ways to cure this terrible disease…

ACF Grant 2016: Canine CAR-T Therapy

“We are absolutely delighted to receive this award from Animal Cancer Foundation to support our ongoing work developing genetically re-directed T-cells…

ACF Grant Awards 2015: Offering Hope to Pets & Pet Parents

“Kids and animals often develop very similar types of cancer. When pediatricians, scientists, and veterinarians work together, research can improve treatments…

Personalized Cancer Treatment Vision

UPDATE (November 2015) –  Institute of Medicine Publishes Workshop Highlights, The Role of Clinical Studies for Pets with Naturally Occurring Tumors in Translational Cancer…

ACF Grant 2013: Invasive Urinary Bladder Cancer Update

“Bladder cancer has not been a focus of human studies, but the ACF supported work in dogs is now providing justification…

ACF Grant 2015: The Future of Effective Dosing

“The grant allows our team to investigate the effects of AF in tumor-bearing dogs to establish a biologically effective dose, which…

ACF Grant 2014 Update: Bridging Human & Veterinary Medicine

“By bridging human & veterinary medicine at Tufts, we have created a unique opportunity to promote cancer research to benefit both…